Do you DARE…

July 19th, 2011 at 1:02 am

Behold the Card Hunter trailer! If we were actually making a board game, this would be our TV ad.

Actual board game not included.

Thanks to our awesome production team:

Alec Holowka
Eileen Holowka
Chrissy Chubala
Marlon Wiebe
Noel Berry

Filming and Post:
Kert Gartner

Danny Baranowsky


Additional audio:
Harry Roden

Special thanks for saying “lightning bolt” many times but not getting used in the final cut:
Eric Alexander

26 Responses to “Do you DARE…”

  1. Can’t wait. Will be following the website, everything sounds awesome! Saw you guys over at indiegames. btw, sweet trailer :S

  2. but will it have league play?

  3. Aaaaa! Awesome! Well done!
    Thank you!

  4. Love the trailer, This is something I could definitely see myself spending a lot of time on. One to look out for.

  5. Brilliant idea! I can see myself getting bugger all done at work though….this will be a love/hate relationship methinks. Rock on dudes, I await your awesomeness.

    Beta Key? 


  6. Exactly my kind of game! But, I sense betrayal whenever I hear ‘free to play’. I’m torn.

  7. Loved the TV ad – you captured the qunitessential `RPG geek` thing (complete with real emotions from genuine geeks, not just some lame `B Movie` extras).

    Looking forward to this one big time. Saves me having to venture into the dangerous world that lurks beyond my front door – a vile place inhabited by all kinds of horrors – to arrange a `real life board game`.

  8. Can’t wait … any Beta Key?

  9. TV ad is great. But browser game nah. I would prefer normal stand alone single player with multi option(but multi not needed).
    Anyway look great. Hope it will be realased soon.

  10. So why not a real boardgame? It looks like you already have printed up some stuff, you should release it as a hands on game. It has the flavor of Dungeon! boardgame, combined with Heroquest…Its a win!

  11. I saw your game on the indie-article at ars, looks very promising, and i hope all gets well with the game. subscribed to your RSS, keep up the work (and i am eager to play) :)

  12. […] Zabek (JZ): I have to admit that when I first saw the trailer, I was hooked. The retro AD&D artwork just oozes cool. How did you decide to go with […]

  13. This thing you folks have created is awesome. :)

    Where did the cool lil’ stand ups come from? And is it possible for me to get them?

  14. This looks great, read about it in PCG mag.
    Would love to help test this when beta is availible, i am a vet of CCG and all spinoffs (see: battleforge, spectromancer, etc)

  15. The trailer is great.

    Now… WHEN are you actually turning this into a boardgame? Take my money now…

  16. It was fun trying out this game at PAX! I’d recommend making the interface more intuative (knowing what to select was difficult for instance, when casting a heal spell. Maybe a brighter halo over the characters or highlight the characters displayed at the bottom of the screen or illustrate the selectable characters in front of you in the center of the screen? The art is great, except you can kick the actual card art up a notch. Looking forward to playing this! If you make a physical version of this game, I recommend improving the art and then patching the PC version with that improved art.

  17. Yeah, uh, the actual board game also looks pretty cool. Either way, looking forward to this, will keep an eye out.

  18. I’m sure it’s going to be epic!
    I’m anxiously waiting for open beta.

  19. Greeaat commercial. Thanks for reminding me of how much I’d like to travel back in time and shoot myself.

  20. Any plans for iOS slash Android version? Steam maybe?

  21. @Level1Alt: hoped for but nothing definite yet!

  22. sweet, i really like it, i’ll follow your news guys, nice trailer btw.

  23. close beta date ??? beta keys ??? ill be nice if some one tell us dates for close beta and where to get beta keys thx

  24. come on guys…i ve been waiting for this almost for a your best and gl

  25. […] AND GIVE IT TO ME! Thats the feeling I got when I saw this amazing game called Card Hunter and the Card Hunter – Trailer I always been interesting in role playing with dice and paper, first time I played was when I was […]

  26. Awesome commercial =). Totes reminds me of the Hero Quest commercial from the early 90’s! ooc why is it that commercials like these always feature the shifty eyes? Love it though =). Looking forward to diving into this one!

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